Multimedia platform for art and culture in Montenegro
The multimedia platform “Platform081” was created with the aim of being a link for all young creative people who want to contribute their art to the development of culture during the pandemic

This platform is a place to meet and create new creative industries in Montenegro 🥰
Pandemia co19 was fatal for the culture, but this platform, through live streams, connected performers with the audience and created space for art to live in times of crisis 🌼 So far, they have mostly worked with artists from Montenegro, choosing locations that will complete the experience of the audience and performers and of course to promote Montenegrin tourism.
Platform081 implemented two great events called “Sunset VICE” 🤩 🥳 The epidemiological situation in Montenegro was in their favor, so they managed to organize two events - respecting all epidemiological measures and both were for a limited number of people.
“Sunset VICE” parties are mini-festivals, because visitors, in addition to beautiful Montenegrin locations, selected music, organized transportation, and drinks, have possibilities to attend activities such as art exhibitions, face painting, food zone, chill-zone with hammocks and tents 🌴🐳
As the current situation in the world is quite limiting in every sense, Platform081 has already started to expand to the region 👌 On September 12, 2021, at the party SunsetVICE vol.2, in "Talica Rustic Villa" above Sutomore, will host a producer from Serbia, Dejan Milićević and all in accordance with certain measures 😎
Platform081 was nominated for an Ambassador Award for Conceptual Live Broadcasting in the region, along with names such as the Exit Festival and the Central Dance Event.