"Why?" on "How against covid19?" :)

- Don't watch tv.
* it causes worry & fear and these are emotions that weaken human immune system.
- Every hour drink a glass of water at room temperature.
* Because you need literally that amount of water for an energetic day. And because water is life!
- 1000 mg Liposomal Vitamin C.
* Because read here.
- Celery juice.
* Because the book of Anthony William says that this is the same liquid , acid that our gut needs and has ;)
- Carrot and beetroot juice.
* Because that is the only way you will ever like and eat beetroot :D
- Sage and thyme tea.
* Because they are abnormally bitter, and everything bitter is the healthiest for our body :)
- Write down what's on your mind.
* Because that is how you will organize / isolate yourself an hour, a day, a life in the best way possible for you ;)
- Listen to techno and dance.
* Because techno drives love, life, and dance is the cure O:)
This should become your daily routine.
* Because now is an opportunity to create a world with new routines, routines that you want, a world you want, anything you want ;)
Let's make tekno universe ;)