Viberate Talked to Beatport
We are very big fan of Viberate, as they have the best curators ever :)

Viberate is such a big database with a very precise selection of genres and had a chit-chat with Betport's CEO, Robb McDaniels.
We just got this info and we wanna share with you :)
If you’re a raver, you heard about Beatport.
As an online music store and streaming service with 100% of their customers being DJs in some way, shape or form, the platform is one of the important resources for Electronic Music artists.
Music tech entrepreneur and Beatport’s CEO, Robb McDaniels, talks about the challenges for artists during the coronavirus crisis.
It’s a worthy read, and here are some takeaways.
⚡ Understanding the power of digital media makes you more resilient. “The artists who had already embraced digital media and were connecting with fans on a variety of platforms were the ones who saw the least impact on their ability to monetize those fans in other ways.”
🎥 Livestreams could become part of artist’s performance strategy. “Nearly 80% of fans said they would continue to watch online streams even when they are allowed to return to live music events.”
🌎 Don’t fear change. “Once in a generation 'shocks' to the global system, like this pandemic, generally accelerate cultural and business trends that were already beginning to emerge.”
💉 Accepting the new normal. “Even with a vaccine, I think you’ll see a good number of people wearing masks at many music events for a year or two.”
Read full article HERE!
Enjoy! :)