"Traum" has launched a competition for new techno talents
The organization of techno events in Croatia, Traum, invites all young and talented DJs from all over EX-YU to an online music competition through which they will choose one of you to perform and open the ”20th anniversary of Traum”, an event with mysterious techno artist SNTS.

“Traum 20” event will take place on 29th May in Osijek, Croatia. The location and conditions of the event, due to co19 situation, will be announced later.
1. Record and send a 60-minute mix that will best present your vision of opening this techno night. Traum crew wants to hear how you will manage the warmup slot :)
2. Send a 320 kbps MP3 mix via the wetransfer service, along with other information in the Google login form
3. Applications are accepted until 31. march after which all the mixes will be posted on the youtube channel of Traum
4. The five most listened to mixes will enter the final selection from which the winner of this competition will be chosen
5. The winner of the competition will be provided with a DJ time interval of 2 hours, four guest tickets and all costs will be covered.
Good luck! :)