The law of attraction: pay attention to positive and good things
...choose to be positive..

One of my favourite quotes is by Buddha and it says: “All that we are is a result of what we have thought”. I feel that this could not be more true as I have seen it unfold in my own life and the life of those around me. I notice that every time I, or others, get caught in a downward spiral of detrimental thinking, negative things tend to happen. This is consistent with the previously stated quote as a negative mindset and thought pattern, will only attract more negativity. This concept is also referred to as the law of attraction which is essentially the idea that to overcome undesirable thoughts and consequences and replace them with positive ones.
I am a strong believer in energy; everything that exists (especially thoughts, in this case) carries some sort of spirit or power, which can be good or bad. The process of thinking positively, and envisioning what you want to happen in your life, emits a positive energy that attracts similar energy. This also goes for focusing on gratitude, being thankful for all the good you do have in your life. Common knowledge is that “opposites attract”, this could not be less true when it applies to philosophy and outlook. By paying attention to all the good things that you want and already have, you are drawing positive things back to you. Although it is an intangible concept, it is not some sort of magic; when you are in an optimistic state, you tend to notice great things that you might have missed. If you just think that nothing is going your way you don’t deserve to get what you want. You must recognize opportunities, rather than challenges. You should see adversity as a way to grow, rather than as a possibility for failure.
People and things are drawn to those who are upbeat, happy, appreciative of everything life has to offer. Similarly, the notion of “misery loves company”, just reminds us that by being depressed and sad, you will only attract other miserable people to yourself, which only makes it harder to get out of that rut. The reason most people do not apply the power of thought or law of attraction in their own lives is because they believe they do not deserve good things, or they do not really know what they want. If you have very clear-cut ideals and goals and dreams, and strongly visualize them and focus on them every day, they are bound to materialize in your life. If all you focus on is how bad things currently may be, all your problems, debt, bills and other issues, all you will see is more problems, financial struggles and issues. If you think only “lucky” people get what they want so you give up on trying to attain what you truly desire, those things will rarely, if never, come to you.
The truth is, everyone experiences problems and hardship. The difference between those who are happy and those who are not, is their attitude. Every day, you have the choice to decide how you will react to what happens to you. You can either choose to be positive, feel good and be aware of the good things or you can choose to remain stagnant, find all the reasons to be dissatisfied and wonder why you are so unlucky. People who are happy are not that way because they are special or blessed with good fortune; they take control of their mindset and choose to be that way. Joyful people realize that nothing good comes out of worry, stress and complaints.
However, even when things do not go the way they want, they find reasons to still feel good because they know that doing so is the only path to creating an optimal environment for the things they do want to occur.
posted by Merry