Ushtrimi im i preferuar 🥰💪

Unë shtrihem kudo që mundem dhe në rave :) Kur jam në ekstazë, në mes të dancefloorit unë jam "duke bërë një skenë": D :) Unë jam duke u zgjatur dhe duke shijuar veten time. Ky është bërë zakoni im që në shkollën e mesme kur zgjohesha në orën 6 për t’u përgatitur për shkollë dhe autobus me ajër shumë të neveritshëm: D: P
Do streachig, no matter what
Now, it does not matter if I'm late to work or anywhere, I do my stretching, first in bed and then in the bathroom and in case I’ve much time, I'm stretching in the living room too, in order to get necessary energy and warm my body for crazy world: )
And on the beach, stretching is my occupation and fun while I am learning my body to do nothing and getting used to being lazy :)
Benefits i get from streaching
Stretching - stretching the limbs and the whole body for me is:
- in the morning, after drinking warm water, stretching is waking me up and preparing my body and mind for a day full of obligations
- before sleeping, I stretch to make easy waking up in the morning :)
- before I'm getting ready for going out to a crazy rave, for dancing :)
- in front of the computer, every hour, since I'm addicted to the Internet, I stretch, so I can stay as long as I can :D ;)
Now, after writing this blog I need stretching a bit :)
Stretch yourself, you might also like it ;)
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