* Found reason
✨poem by Violeta Milenković aka *Fear* 📝

I cut my hair. I do not know why I did it, but I cut it. Just stood
there in front of the mirror felt like the thing I loved the most
about myself just did not fit me anymore.
I cut my hair. I thought it would help me. Just wanted to feel
better, just wanted to breath free again without choking.
I cut my hair. It did not help me. Just made me realize how
deep you have to look at the mirror of shadows to find beauty
that was lost somewhere in my eyes.
I cut my hair. I do not know why. Just wanted to make small
change in my life to make me feel something.
I cut my hair. Just to prove myself that being beautiful on the
outside is meaningless.
I cut my hair, that I loved the most to love my soul more than
my body.
I cut my hair. Just to look better on the inside.