Q&A- Miss Nat-H-Lee (Strange Agency, Purelist, LU)
..be patient, do it with passion and do not expect to much. ;)

* Hi Miss Nat-H-Lee, thank you for your taking your time to answer our questions. Can you give us a short introduction to you?
N: Hello Kosovo Clubbing team. My Name ist Nathalie, 34 years young :) I'm born and i live in a small but lovely country, called Luxembourg.
* When did your journey into electronic music, started / What inspires you, through this journey?
N: I was around 16 or 17, when I was for the first time at Luxembourg's number 1 club, in question of electronic music (the "Cafedelagare"). I remember the atmosphere, the sound, it was magical. From that moment on, I went every Saturday to their events and became a technohead lol... I started mixing when my boyfriend at that time, bought his first turntables. He was sticking on it the whole time and that's why I started lol. I am still very grateful to him.
* Could you provide us some information, regarding Strange Agency, Purelist?
N: I got in touch with both organizations during a dj contest in Belgium, that I won. Strange Agency, is based in East Belgium and Purelist, has his roots in Liege... Strange Agency, is a booking agency who represents different artists with different styles. Purelist, is an organization who organized events alltrough Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands.
* What equipment are you currently using, for DJing ?
N: Currently, I love to play with 3 Pioneer CDJ's and my Roland TR-8.
* What are your favourite tracks to play at your gigs ?
N: Pretty difficult. My most played, are still Vegim & Flekitza – Rumble In The Jungle (released on Vezotronik) and Nina Kraviz – Ghetto Kraviz (Steve Rachmad's Jack Mix, released on Rekids). I know those are not very dark, LOL, but those tracks put the dancefloor on fire...always :)
* At the moment, at which artists are you keeping an eye on?
N: Julian Brand, Temudo, Owen Xerri and the Yellowheads.
* What are your impressions of your gig at BASStore (Prishtina, KS)? How does It feel, to be back after two years, since your last gig here, at Puls Festival (2014 – Prishtina, KS), w/ Nuno Zanga, Jehonë & Flekitza ?
N: I had a blast at BASStore. Despite a few problems with the equipement, the crowd was responding and everyone was in a very good mood. I love the location and their statements on the walls. I would love to come back.
* Your opinion about Kosovo's artists ?
N: I know only a few, to be honest. Vegim and Flekitza, owners of TMM Records, they are very close friends of mine and I love their music, I play a lot of their productions. I had the opportunity to meet Jehonë, while I was playing at Puls festival (Prishtina. 2014), she's a good dj. Last but not least, Tatu (from Albania), a good artist who totally controls the crowd.
* Do you like our clubbing culture?
N: Always fun, very friendly crowd... I always feel very comfortable, there.
* What can we expcet from you in the future?
N: Finally, my first release is coming out, on Simina Grigoriu's label, Kuukou Records. It's a collab with my Strange Agency buddy, Matt Heize aka Xentrix. I'm very honored that he liked to work with me and i learned a lot in a short time. Now my future plans are to put my focus on production. A few release are also planned on different Labels....I'm very excited about this.
* What's your advice for young DJ's/producers?
N: Take your time, be patient, do it with passion and do not expect to much. ;)
* What's your favourite: country / food / drink / color / quote / facebook page that you follow?
a) Portugal and Spain,
b) Lasagna, Beer,
c) Black (yes, I know it isn't a color, but I don't care :p),
ç) "Dance like no one is watching", "Love like you never been hurt", "Sing like no one is listening", "Live like heaven is on earth",
d) My own, LOL.
* What's your message to your fans / Kosovo's clubbers?
N: Thanks for your support and stay techno. <3