Pumpkin – a winter dose of immunity
Everything you need to know about pumpkin 🎃 My favorite winter treat 🤤 and pumpkin seeds are super food snack 🥳

🎃Before I start writing about pumpkin, let me announce what Im listening to :)
🎧 This time it's Israel Toledo and his Dark Matter EP on the techno label TMM Records.
Pumpkin’s content and healing properties
🟠 Pumpkin’s color indicates that it is a rich source of beta-carotene.
🟠 Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that protects our organism from the effects of free radicals, strenghten our immunity and prevents malign tumor development.
✔️It also contains vitamins C, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron ✔️
🎃 Pumpkin is a diuretic, which is why it is recommended to people suffering from arthritis and gout.
It makes us feel full and it does not contain many calories which makes it an ideal food item for weight loss.
✔️ This food helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.
Wrappings made with grated fresh pumpkin are used for alleviating pains associated with varicose veins 🦵
✔️ One spoon of pumpkin juice a day protects us from urinary bladder, kidney and prostate diseases.
😇 As facial mask, pumpkin is appropriate for skin problem treatment.
You can eat it raw, cooked or baked. You can use pumpkin to make puree, soups, cakes and juice.
Pumpkin seed are aslo eatable :)
✨ Spices such as parsley, thyme, sage, laurel, muscat nuts, ginger and cinnamon go well with pumpkin.