PARTY REVIEW: 'RW X DEnacht' w/ VRIL (Live), Ancient Methods & Daniela La Luz
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Usually, everytime 'Hapēsira' announces it's 'RW' editions, I go and get myself the entry ticket. When I saw the lineup announcement for 'RW X DEnacht', I said to myself what I said for EXIL's & 'Next Level's event w/ Altin Boshnjaku, Rinia Rinia, Toton, Fideles, SHDW & Obscure Shape:
"I can't miss this one. If I do, I will regret it for the rest of my life."
So, I got myself the entry ticket and headed to Prishtina.
What can I say about the event, it was so unreal and I was so happy to be there and experience the music of 3 artists from my fav country in the world, when it comes to electronic music, but also in general - Germany ♥❤
Daniela's set made me so happy that it gave me chills, especially during her "intro" and when she playes her very own 'Red Acid' from her EP on Parallel Berlin - 'Foreverness', happiness and chills took control over my body. My soul, heart and face were smilling.
After all those moments, that unforgettable experience while listening to what Daniela, VRIL, Ancient Methods, LegOff and Uran B. had prepared for us, meeting Daniela & Riet, 10 minutes before they headed back to the hotel, was the best moment of the entire night ❤
I still smile when I think about it, as I was hoping for that to happen ❤
Ofc, Uran B. himself was also part of the lineup on these unforgettable 'RW' experiences, who among the above-mentioned artists that he introduced me to, artists that I've been following since that day, as i fell in love with their music, he introduced me to Varg - who will headline the next event of 'Hapësira' that i'm looking forward to - Visions of Beyond 2018, among Marco Shuttle, Giorgio Gigli, Vioski, Toton, Era, Altin Boshnjaku, Uran B. introduced me to Varg, at 'RW X DEnacht', as he selected Varg's 'Mount Analogue', released on 'Northern Electronics'. That was the first time i listened to Varg, and that's where i found about him. Now, I will listen to him at 'Visions of Beyond'.
So happy to meet all of these amazing ppl, and share this experiences with my dear friends, around my dear Prishtina! ❤
Thank you for being the best part of my life! ❤
Endless love and gratitude goes out to all of you!
Luv u all! ❤