October’s Full Hunter’s Moon: Time to Get Moving

10/17/2024 19:21 FLEKITZA.com

It’s that time again – the Full Moon is back, and this time it’s the Hunter’s Moon! On October 17th, look up at the sky and you’ll see the moon shining so bright, you might think it’s a giant flashlight looking for snacks. (Just kidding – it’s not *that* hungry.)

October’s Full Hunter’s Moon: Time to Get Moving

But seriously, the full moon is a great time to reflect on yourself and your goals. This moon is all about taking bold action, so if you’ve been waiting for a sign to *finally* clean your room or start that secret project, this is it! The moon’s like, “Come on, let’s do this!”

Be Bold! (or at least try!)

Fun Stuff to Do Under the Full Moon

1. Visualization: Find a quiet spot (even if it’s your favorite hiding place from chores) and close your eyes. Picture yourself surrounded by people who support you in your mess :) Now, imagine doing something amazing, like rescuing dogs or saving the world (or just finishing your homework). You can do it, one small step at a time.

2. Make a ‘Get Stuff Done’ List: Want to feel like a boss? Write down all the things you want to accomplish. Now, break them into tiny, bite-sized steps. For example, “Become a millionaire” might start with “save 1 euro.” Baby steps, my friend. The moon’s like, “Start now!”

3. Share Your Dreams: If you’re hanging out by a fire (or even just a candle in the living room), share your dreams and goals with someone you trust. There’s something about talking out loud that makes things feel real, plus it keeps you accountable. And no, your dream can’t just be “to eat frutis forever,” but hey, aim high!

Moon Ritual (AKA Fun Energy Stuff)

Feeling energetic? The Full Moon in October is packed with *extra* energy, like you’ve had five candy bars! So, try doing something active, like running around the yard, dancing like nobody’s watching, or doing a quick workout. It’ll help you burn off all that energy, so you can sit down and relax later.

Once you’ve moved around, find a cozy spot. Sit down, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths in and out, like you’re blowing up a giant balloon. You can even try something called the *Breath of Fire* (no, it’s not like a dragon). Basically, you take quick breaths in and out through your nose, like you’re sniffing a hundred cupcakes. It’ll wake you up for sure!

Grab a MAYA planner and jot down some answers to these questions:

- Where in my life am I being lazy? (Be honest – it’s probably cleaning your room.)

- What would it feel like to level up? (Like a video game, but with more chores.)

- What’s been stressing me out? (Don’t say homework!)

- How can I chill out and relax more?

This Full Moon might feel super intense, like a burst of energy, but don’t worry – that’s just the moon saying, “Let’s get things done!”

So, use this time to be brave, take action, and maybe even tackle something you’ve been putting off. The moon’s got your back!

Now go enjoy the Hunter’s Moon... and maybe grab some fruits while you're at it!

with LoVe, 