It’s just the start of a new decade
You know I don't promote New Year's resolutions cuz I write them so many and then I do not fulfill.

Instead of that, I have this one “What will I do differently this coming year?” :D It has to be something different ;) :P
I follow ho’oponopono crew and read that studies show that changing habits, no matter how small, allows you to get out of the routine and become an engine for innovation, that mental habits are associated with the breathing pattern and if you change the breathing pattern, the mind will change instantly.
Happiness is not the fruit you collect when your dreams come true, but the booster of fertilizer you need to make those dreams clear ;)
Habits I want to leave in 2019:
- (stop) Talking to ppl like I'm a nutritionist :D
- (stop) Being over-planner :D
- (stop) Liking deadlines :D
New habits for more happiness and abundance in life and a new decade:
- Learn how to stop thinking :)
- Learn how to be lazy and gain 8kg :D
- Limit ToDoList on 3 ;) ♥
Anyway, in this new decade I choose to be happy with this techno set from Polish Vi!
Enjoy :)
and do not forget: 2020 its year for techno and of techno!