Thirrja e Hapur e Inkubatorit HEMI për vitin 2023
Jam i emocionuar të njoftoj se Qendra për Shkëmbimin e Inovacionit të Muzikës (HEMI) po lançon edicionin e dytë të HEMI Incubator! Ky program është programi i parë i inkubacionit dhe përshpejtimit të biznesit muzikor në rajonin e Evropës Qendrore dhe Juglindore dhe jam i emocionuar që kam mundësinë të jem pjesë e tij.

If you have an idea for an early stage music business or project, HEMI Incubator offers mentoring, international contacts, and business opportunities. This programme is open to entrepreneurs, SMEs, and startups in the music sector from Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.
If you are interested in taking part, applications are open now until the 22nd of March at 24:00 CET.
So take advantage of this amazing opportunity - #HEMIincubator!
HEMI Incubator is developed by the HEMI initiative member organisations in collaboration with top industry experts and mentors and in partnership with some of the most active and results oriented music and tech organizations / associations in Europe.
The incubator consists of two programmes: The 5 month Acceleration Programme and the 6 month Incubation Programme.
The Acceleration Programme is designed for music professionals who have a business idea and need support to turn it into a tangible product or service.
The Incubation Programme is designed for music entrepreneurs and business professionals who want to develop their existing products/ services and expand their businesses to new markets.
The selected participants of these programmes will receive mentoring, workshops on specialized business topics & soft skills, and accreditations to HEMI partners’ music conferences and showcase festivals.
Participants will be able to attend networking events, pitching and matchmaking sessions with key industry players.
Finally, 6 projects/companies will receive grant support to further develop their projects after successful completion of the programme.
The HEMI Incubator 2023 is looking for music business professionals, self-employed or small and medium-sized companies, entrepreneurs, and citizens of the 9 HEMI countries who are living in the EU, UK, or EFTA countries to shape the future of the music industry.
Those offering a sustainable solution to the music sector, such as SaaS, blockchain, AR, AI, ticketing, entertainment attorney/accountant, etc. and those creating a service, product or company related to the music sector are welcome to apply.
Find out more and apply now HERE!
with Love,