French government proposes new 'anti-rave' law
The Senate has formally proposed a new law that will interfere with the survival of the scene in that country.

The law provides that every organizer must adapt to the new "precautions" that require him to meet with the mayor at least one month before the event. They are also seeking a reduction in volume and noise parameters, new administrative deadlines and other difficult criteria to apply.
This law is reminiscent of the UK law of the 90s which was then in force at illegal parties.
Currently, the problem is to get all the permits and authorizations, but with the new law it will be almost impossible for one average young organizer to embark on such obligations.
Penalties for breaching the law are £ 3750 and / or seizing equipment that is expensive. They believe that the law will contribute to the overall better lifestyle of the stat.
Club owners, organizers and promoters complain that no one involves them in the discussions and issues that affect them, so they think more communication can be achieved and are open to battling rave scenes like drugs.