DIY - Natural toothpaste

You can make your own natural toothpaste from coconut oil.
* 1/2 cup coconut oil;
* 2 teaspoons of baking soda or zeolite or cinnamon, turmeric (choose your own favorite powder ingredients yourself)
if you want you can add:
* 10-20 drops of essential essential oil (peppermint, mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus, lemon ...) - you can buy all the oils in the health food store The Spice Garden, Pristina
* in case you want a sweet taste add a spoonful of honey or stevia
Mix everything and get a toothpaste.
You will have to mix for a few hours until baking soda is completely melted with coconut oil (if you are on raw foods or just heat coconut oil, and when melted add other ingredients).
This toothpaste is ideal after washing or pulling coconut oil in your mouth.
This paste does not foam.