Common houseleek
everything you have to know about housekeeper :)

Due to its composition Common houseleek, a medicinal plant contains:
malic acid, calcium malate, formic acid, small amount of resin, tannins and plant mucus.
This composition provides healing, antiseptic, antiinflammatory and diuretic power.
Modern research confirms that they have valuable acids, flavonoids and carbohydrates.
Common houseleek cure:
* cysts and miomas,
* inflammation of the ear,
* Colitis,
* inflammation of the urinary tract,
* fluid retention,
* inflammation of the throat and infection of the oral cavity,
* menstrual problems,
* burns, cuts, wounds,
* sores, hemorrhoids,
* warts and conjunctivitis.
To use all the medicinal properties of Common houseleek, use fresh leaves for tea and juice preparation.
It can be used as external and internal use.
Common houseleek and honey - medical recipe
(natural remedy for cysts and many other diseases)
Common houseleek and honey are used for:
* for cysts and miomas,
* for stomach diseases,
* strengthening immunity,
* to improve digestion.
* 300g of fresh juicy leaves
* 500g of natural bee honey
Put leaves in a chopper or a blender or cut it in very little pieces and mix them with honey. Pour the mixture into the jar and then wrap it in the foil. Cover it and put it in the fridge.
In the morning, 20 minutes before your first meals, one spoon.
Do not drink anything in the next 20 minutes.
Then one or two teaspoons during the day.
Mixed with hot water, guard and honey lowers the temperature.
Common houseleek tea and juice
Tea is excellent to remove menstrual pain, menstrual cramps, diarrhea and ulcers.
Cook 10 g of fresh or 12 g dried leaves of Common houseleek for 15 minutes in 250 ml of water. Pour and let it cool down. In the morning on empty stomach, drink cup of tea, and then every hour a tablespoon of tea.
In a painful ear, dip a few drops of fresh juice from houseleek.
Growing a houseleek
Houseleek is a very resistant plant that can be grown in jars or outdoors. It is highly resistant plant. Has tolerance to cold and survival skills in winter time.
Pregnant women and breast feeders are not recommended to use.